To understand how SEOs or Search Engine Optimization works, we first need to know what it means. This basically implies that your webpages or sites appear in the search index of Google or other search engines too once a query is made using certain terms or keywords.

As far as Google is concerned, they have web crawlers deployed which are smartly written software codes that are literally ‘crawling’ the net and looking at the data on your page, and saving the results by indexing them in Google’s algorithm so that they could be readily available once someone across the internet searches for those keywords or terms. So the question is, what are the Ways to Improve SEO Rankings In 2019. There are many websites which provide a lot of insight and information pertaining to this subject.

Google also has a rating system in place which basically looks at the search quality while doing the indexing from various pages on the internet. The ranking is based on different factors that include information such as what is the page about, it’s main purpose? Alongside how reliable the creator is in terms of references and page content. The amount of information on the website and the author’s reputation and standing also add to the formula used by Google.

To put it in a nutshell, the more these factors are considered by the content creators, the higher their chances are of finishing among the first page results when the query is presented to Google. These go into its ranking algorithm and help to determine SEO ranking. The higher the quality of content, the better the chances of getting picked up, the remaining search will be filled with other pages based on their optimization level on the following pages. Search engine optimization is essential in this day and age and competition.