There are always some really attractive reasons why people spend the money they do on designer handbags and when we are talking about a quality product like Neverfull then one should never question the purchase, even if it has crossed $1000 in price it is still worth the investment, in a perfect world no accessory or handbag should be worth that amount but given the price structure of similar products and what other designers are charging, this price seems to be fair for such an amazing product and this is why it is among the best seller in spite of the hike in prices.
If you are in for buying a bag which offers size as well as quality and aesthetics then go for Louis Vuitton GM, this is grand and no other bag is as big as this one, the measurements are crazy and the team behind the design has worked wonders in creating such a huge bag which looks classy, there are some similar options which are of the same size but never provide the look that this option does, when you are looking for sheer size you have the option to choose between Neverfull MM, PM and GM with Louis Vuitton GM being the biggest in size.
Although the size of these options are different the side straps which allow alternative styling and make this bag a cross body one are very similar, you can have one strap and use it on Louis Vuitton MM and GM and it will work perfectly, when LV has provided amazing option upon option and provided consistent quality it has made this Neverfull series stand apart and honestly there aren’t many options out there which are as good as this one, because it ticks all the boxes.