This customer feedback software gives deep insights about the perception of clients about a company by getting detailed feedback from them. It is completely free to install and business owners can upload a survey form on their webpage that is highly user-friendly in nature and the online visitors can easily fill it out without the need of professional assistance. Its persona target feature provides a highly personalized way of getting responses from each user, so that you can have much more than just basic demographics when looking for sales pattern during a marketing campaign. You can add the survey template at the bottom of your official page, so that a great percentage of your website traffic can be converted into loyal subscribers.

From open text fields to rating scales, you can choose your option of getting feedback from clients depending upon their age group and awareness about technology. If you want to get top analytics software to track your sales, then make sure to find out suitable product on the website of Extreme SEO now.

You can also restrict your audience, so that it only opens up to online visitors who are more likely to engage with your business in the future. Your returning visitors would be more inclined to fill out surveys listed on your webpage and would feel comfortable filing it out because of the name of your business. Rather than adding a few basic questions, you should expand your questionnaire so that you can predict the future business activities with those users. The customer support service should always be on a high alert, so that they can provide timely assistance to users who face any difficulty. By accessing its control panel, the operators can upload all the content from this online platform.