The thought of solving a Rubik’s Cube is likely the sort of thing that would fill you with no small amount of dread once all has been said and is now out of the way. The reason behind this is that they are dreadfully difficult puzzles to solve, but this level of difficulty can often seem laughable to people that were handed these cubes when they were still little children because of the fact that they could slowly come to terms with what the puzzle required of them during a period in their life when their brains were still a lot more malleable than they would have eventually ended up becoming as adults.

The shortest period of time in which someone or the other managed to solve a Rubik’s Cube is just 3.5 seconds which is so fast that you might just blink a couple of times and the moment will have passed. This is especially amazing when you read the story of Erno Rubik who became one of the richest men in Hungary thanks to a toy he developed which is the toy that we are discussing above.

Rubik is now worth over a hundred million dollars, but suffice it to say that he was not all that good at solving the puzzle if you compare him to modern puzzle solvers. He needed an entire month to figure out what the puzzle needed, and that is incredible when you consider that he is the very person that invented it in the first place! This shows that an inventor is not always the best person to figure out how something works because outside eyes can be helpful.