Testosterone is a hormone dominantly found in the male body. This hormone is found in females as well, but only in much smaller amounts. That’s because testosterone helps in developing male characteristics.

Testosterone must be present in every human body in a specific amount. It has lots of different effects on the human body, and helps perform certain tasks which no other hormone can perform.

The male body has its own complete cycle of testosterone, in which the levels of testosterone boosts to its peak in the years of puberty, and then starts to gradually decline.

In this article, we’ll focus on the effects of testosterone hormone in the human body. Check out miehekäs.fi/t-max for more details.

It Helps Develop The Male Body

Even before a boy has born, testosterone helps in developing his genitals. After birth and in the years of puberty, testosterone helps in developing other male characteristics like deep voice, body hair and aggressiveness.

Most of the testosterone is produced in the testicles, but a small amount is also produced in adrenal glands located above kidneys. In girls, only the adrenal glands and ovaries are responsible for making small amounts of testosterone.

Helps in Developing The Male Reproductive System

When a male is only seven weeks (in the womb of his mother) the testosterone hormone starts forming his genitals. When a boy reaches puberty, the testosterone surge in his body helps in developing his testicles and penis. Testicles continue making testosterone every day to ensure that sperm is made on a regular basis.

Low testosterone level in the male body can actually cause lots of problems, of which Erectile Dysfunction is one of the most significant. While testosterone therapy is readily available, you should consider this without first talking to your doctor.